Sunday, September 6, 2015

Week 4 in Japan

こんにちわ 皆さん!
This week was a just a lot of learning haha. Learning to be patient,
learning to have faith, learning to be humble. Lots of learning. Oh
and lots of learning Japanese too. ;) I was pretty homesick last week.
I missed Mexican food like so much I can't even tell you. Last Sunday
we went to a members house for lunch and the food was basically all
squid and whole fish with the eyes still on it haha. I was a little
squeamish and stayed away from that (thank heavens for rice and
veggies!) next time I am determined to eat some of it though! But one
morning I was just having a difficult time and I was trying to figure
out what I needed to do to get out of the rump I was in, so I went to
my journal from the MTC (journals are seriously the best!!) and I
wrote in about how much I loved Ether 12. So I decided to read that
and it's all about faith and seeing blessings after the trial of your
faith, I know I've written about it before. But it just hit me again
so hard this time. Haha it made me think about how no matter how much
you study, no matter how recently you study something, you can still
get so much out of the gospel! (So go to church every week ;) you'll
learn something new. 約束) anyway, that lead me to read about Christlike
attributes in PMG which lead me to read about humility and I realized
how prideful I have been lately. It's hard to notice when you're being
prideful sometimes because you're so focused on yourself, you can't
see outside yourself. It's hard to have an eternal perspective when
you're prideful or selfish. So I'm definitely working on that haha.
Something else that we have been doing lately is iPad 伝道 (missionary
work) which has been so awesome! We've been showing Mormon messages to
people we meet on the street and that we house into and it's been so
cool to see their reactions to who Jesus Christ is. I bet missionary
work in the states is so different then here. Barely anyone we meet
knows anything about Jesus Christ. It's so crazy to me, because
everyone I know believes in Jesus Christ!
Anyway, it's been an awesome week :) talk to you all next week!
ホワイト 姉妹
These are from our bus ride up to Kumamoto on Tuesday! Japan is unreal! 

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